Dreams Josephine - bouquet of carnations
Reduced:Red Carnation - 3 units white carnation - 4 pcs., clove pink -. 2 units yellow carnation -. 3 units carnation green -. 3 units asparagus treferen - 1 pc., red grid, bow yellow..
An exemplary bouquet diameter 25x25 cm.
Standard (pictured):Red Carnation - 7 units Carnation White - 8 pcs., clove pink - 5 pcs., Carnation yellow - 6 pcs., clove green -. 5 pieces, asparagus treferen - 1 pc., mesh red, yellow bow..
An exemplary bouquet diameter 30x30 cm.
LUX:Carnation red - 10 pcs, Carnation White -. 11 pcs, clove pink -. 10 pcs, yellow carnation -. 11 pcs, clove green -. 9 pieces, asparagus treferen -. 3 units mesh red, yellow bow..
An exemplary bouquet diameter 40x40 cm.
Handing colorful, bright colorful bouquet for birthday or just a favorite colleague at work - you are one hundred percent will ensure the perfect mood for the whole day to the recipient, because this song will please you no less than 7 days *.
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
Lena / 25.08.2016bouquet rating:Bouquet Dreams Josephine has surpassed all my expectations, clove was very good quality. All fresh flowers, and delivery in the morning, as I had requested. Maintenance is also no complaints. Payment card without any problems.